
Showing posts from September 14, 2005


How much does America expect from its government? Apparently a lot. In the coverage of Katrina, it has been comical to watch the various media outlets querying whether FEMA could have done more, or did Governor Blanco freeze, and of course, the whole thing is the fault of George Bush. The truth is that the blame for the hurricane rests squarely on the shoulders of Mother Nature. The breach in the levees is just one more in a long series of man-made follies trying to defeat her....and failing. We live in a world of instant gratification and solutions. Two hundred and fifty five cable television channels blaring 24/7 have taught us that most problems can be solved in an hour, with the more serious problems taking the length of a mini-series. We have totally lost our ability to be awed by forces larger than ourselves. That is, of course, what has made America great. No job is too big. No work is too hard. There is no task that can't be accomplished. We demand perfection in all our ins