
Showing posts from July 9, 2010

The News You Didn't See on NBC

Here is the news not reported on NBC, CBS, and ABC this past week. If you can figure out why, let me know. This is the guy Attorney General Holder and the Department of Justice is refusing to prosecute for voter intimidation in Philadelphia in the 2008 Presidential election.The DOJ has been instructed not to prosecute black racial discrmination and intimidation against whites. _________________________________________________ This is the guy who is now the head of NASA. We have no space program for the forseeable future, and have to hook a ride with the Russians if we need to to the international space station. Is this the NASA that put a man on the moon? NO! This is Obama's NASA> ________________________________________________ This is the guy who is now going to head Medicare. Obama appointed him after Congress recessed to avoid confirmation hearings. Listen to this, and you will see why. If you had any doubt as to Obama's socialist tendencies, watch this...and good luck g