
Showing posts from December 11, 2006

This Year's Christmas Card - 2006

This year we are having an “Our Lady of Perpetual Christmas” Christmas because there are 5 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. While the retailers love it, part of me would really like an end to it given that the decorations and television ads started before Halloween. I am a tad "Christmased" out, and there are still 2 weeks to go!!! The result of this overdose of ho-ho was an exhausted case of writer’s block when trying to find a topic for “ This Year’s Christmas Card ” blog. No inspiration, just “when is it going to be spring”. To add to my physical exhaustion, the community chorus in which I sing had its Christmas programs this past weekend. Seraphim is a chorus of 50 people who love to sing, making a joyful noise every Monday night. The chorus does its Christmas program twice, once in Youngstown, the chorus home base, and once in New Castle, PA, at the home church of the director. The New Castle program is physically taxing as it is performed on pull out blea