
Showing posts from June 11, 2013

The Obama Coincidence

Barack Obama’s impassioned speech to Ohio State University graduates marked the high water point of his administration.  He implored the students to ignore those who would have them believe that government is evil and can’t be trusted.  He said that government was us and having faith in us is the same as having faith in government.  Anyone who knows human nature and history understands the fallacy of that argument.  Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  People are people.  One is never surprised by people’s benevolence and goodness.  One is never surprised by the evil that men do.  As he walked out of Ohio Stadium, one wonders whether that was his swan song…whether he knew about the scandals about to break and was making a last impassioned argument extolling his love of government. The fall of Obama’s credibility has been swift and dramatic.  Any scandal or two can be explained away.  But when a steady stream of all that was hidden spills out one after anot