
Showing posts from November 10, 2005

Won't It Make My Red State Blue?

The most under-reported story of the this past election was the stealth victory for the Republican Party. In their analysis, Fox News, CNN, and the major news networks focused on the Democratic gubenatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia, and the defeat of the Schwartzenegger initiatives in California. Although pundits tried to spot a trend, there was none. Democratic governors in both states were replaced by Democratic governors with the same margin of victory as in previous years, both races extremely close. And California. California is a blue state, and short of some cataclysmic politcal event, will contiue to be a blue state notwithstanding temporary aberrations in the the governor's office. The big story is Ohio. No Republican has ever won a Presidential election without carrying Ohio. No Democrat can carry Ohio without winning Mahoning County by more than 64%. Regardless of scandals swirling around Columbus, cointgate, and Governor Taft, reform