
Showing posts from July 9, 2006

Dirty Pleasures

Do you have any dirty pleasures? Those are things that you would never in a million years admit to anyone that you enjoy or enjoy doing. Maybe because they are “secret”, they tend to be more satisfying. Here are some of mine. Movies : This is a toss up category. Consider the Porky’s series. If you aren’t familiar with these pieces of intellectual wasteland, rent one and find out for yourself. Yes, they are raunchy. But the proposed lineup to find out who has been sneaking a peek in the girl’s locker room will put any prude on the floor with laughter. Tied with the Porky’s series is The Fast and The Furious series. Filled with urban lingo and “in the ‘hood” justice, the souped up cars and associated choreography are really something to watch, and I can tap to the rap and say “bro” with the best of them. Television : I had to think about this category for awhile, but Bridezillas tops my television dirty pleasure list. This show on the WE Channel deals with over the top brides plannin