
Showing posts from May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

I generally watch Fox News. Fox has gotten a bad rap of being the “Bush” television network, and/or conservative to a fault. By definition to some, that makes it evil. It isn’t. It portrays divergent points of view, including the conservative point of view which through my personal observation gets the fuzzy end of the lollipop on the broadcast networks. It certainly is the antithesis of Dan Rather. The same can be said for Fox and Friends, the Fox morning show, versus the Today Show. That being said, on the weekends, I tend to watch either CNN or the MSNBC for different perspectives of the news, plus the fact I don’t really care for the Fox weekend teams which tend to be smarmy. Today is Memorial Day. When I woke up, I turned on CNN at 7:30 to see if the world blew up last night. The first story I saw had to do with the American atrocities that allegedly occurred in Iraq sometime ago. It was portrayed something akin to the Holocaust. The next story concerned itself with the war protes