
Showing posts from September 19, 2006

On Being a Team Player

Much is made these days about being a team player. Schools try to instill the values of “the team” by continuously forcing group projects into the curriculum. We watch our sports teams and hope that the team members won’t hog the ball. In a country built by rugged individualism, the media extols the virtues of “community”. Even in raising our families, Hillary Clinton says that “It Takes a Village”. I googled definitions of teamwork, and found a thousand platitudes from Vince Lombardi to Paul McCartney. But hidden in these platitudes was a quote from Susan Gerke, who headed IBM’s Leadership Development: She said: “Conflict is inevitable in a team ... in fact, to achieve synergistic solutions, a variety of ideas and approaches are needed. These are the ingredients for conflict”. Translated, conflict is a necessary part of the process, and therefore has to be accommodated. Let’s take a look at what teamwork is not. Teamwork is not mindlessly following a leader, buying into the argu