
Showing posts from April 9, 2006

Time Out

Chicago, the vocal group, not the city, released a song back around 1970 the first line of which goes “Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?” In my household, the answer to both of those questions is a resounding “NO”! This morning, while getting ready for church services, I looked at grandfather clock in the hallway and it said 9:45. The clock in the family room said 10:20. The clock in the kitchen said 10:05. I looked at my watch, and it said 5:08. The battery stopped. And the clock on the coffee maker simply blinked as the power had gone out for a few minutes yesterday. The clock in my car said 9:00 as I had yet to change it from standard time to daylight savings time. So using my extraordinary powers of deduction, I concluded that it was 10:00. The clock in the family room runs fast, and is now 20 minutes ahead of where it should be. We keep it that way so we don’t dally over our morning coffee as we start to get ready for work at 6:00 in the morning.