
Showing posts from October 24, 2006

Hillary's Dilemma is the Nation's Dilemma: Part 3

Bill Clinton helped stoke the fires of extreme control of the parties. When the Republicans took control of both houses of Congress in 1994, Clinton, under the direction of Dick Morris, established a policy better known as triangulation. He would actively encourage both sides of an issue to extreme positions, then stake out the middle ground for himself. It worked for him. Unfortunately, when Clinton left office, the parties had polarized to the point where the vitritude between the Republican right and the Democratic left has reached new heights. Notwithstanding the outcome of the 2006 mid-term election cycle, America faces a daunting task in choosing the next President. Of the two parties, the Republicans are probably in a better position to deal with issues of party doctrine. There is no clear far right front runner. The three most attractive candidates are John McCain, Rudi Giuliani, and Mitt Romney. All three of these individuals are center right, rather than far right. That's