The Devil Box and The Laptop

My officemates have all of a sudden gotten religion, and decided that it was time that we went broadband. For those of you not computer savvy, that means fast internet service, not the Sweet Sue’s Society Syncopators A ll Girl Band from Some Like It Hot . Words like wireless cards, servers, security codes, and routers (pronounced like the word Ouch) have entered the lexicon. Of course, I have been sitting with a dial up modem for a number of years just waiting for these guys and gals to come to their senses and realize how much time we spend downloading online stuff, but I digress. The long and the short of it is I had to buy a new computer for my office. As I write this, my wife has left town and my son has left the house, both seeking shelter from the stormy blast of my computer buying. $2,000.00 and 15 hours later of attempting to set the dang thing up , I am right back where I started. I'm not sure, but I think I was intimate with the service guys from Circuit City and Armst...