Herman's 9-9-9; Mark's 20-5-5

There has been a lot of buzz about Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax reform plan, and rightfully so. Of all the candidates, he has articulated with specificity the problem with taxes in America and why our job situation is so dismal. He has addressed the first pillar of my three pillar plan to bring America back to prosperity: Tax Reform / Energy-EPA Reform / China Trade Reform. So let’s look at what the pizza dude has to say. It is a beautiful thing in its simplicity. He proposes to reduce the corporate tax rate to a flat 9%; a flat personal tax rate of 9%; and a national sales tax of 9%. He has stumbled on the obvious. A tax system in which 47% of working Americans pay no tax while complaining while complaining about the 53% that do is not going to work. Everybody should pay something, even if it is nominal. He also realizes that the corporate tax rate in the United States is the highest in the world at 35%. The norm is 25%. Couple that with all of the regulations, high wages, and EPA crap c...