A New Definition of Freedom

In April, PBS aired a series entitled America at the Crossroads . The subject was America’s relationship with the Islam. It was strongly criticized in conservative circles for its refusal to show a contracted segment about fundamental Islam. On the other hand, and to its great credit, PBS aired an outstanding and provocative segment on fundamentalist Islam entitled Faith Without Fear . The subject matter followed a young Muslim woman named Irshad Manji, whom the New York Times described as Osama Bin Laden’s worst nightmare. Born in Uganda, her family immigrated to Canada to escape the terror of Idi Amin. Ms. Manji is a person of letters who is an activist for feminism, gay rights, and deep reform to the Muslim religion. Among her many achievements, she is the author of the book The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call For Reform In Her Faith . PBS followed her as she traveled around the world challenging Islam to modernize. It showed heated debates with the Imams and Mullahs who c...