The Old Men's Breakfast

I'll be honest. Turning 63 last month was a sobering experience. I have had several of "difficult" birthdays over the years, and not necessarily traditional age landmarks. I handled 50 just fine. 49 was another matter. I handled 60 okay. 63 was a bit much. I have joked about senior night at the Perkins. We go every Tuesday. I attended an event at the symphony over Valentine's day. It was a wonderful event but the crowd was "older" which made me feel uncomfortable. The State of Ohio is pushing legislation requiring financial advisors to report suspected "elder" abuse for clients, financial or otherwise, over the age of 60. Sixty...really? I have always made fun of mall walkers as I have walked at the mall myself feeling smug that I am not one of them. Last time I walked I realized that I am one of them. Which leads me to the mall walk...