Got Crisis?

Don't forget to check out: Mark Knows It All, The Website I was watching the news the other night and was shocked to see that we are having a rice crisis. How could that be? What will happen to my pork fried rice at the Main Moon Chinese Takeout? Apparently warehouse stores, such as Costco and Sam’s Club, in California and New Jersey have limited the amount of rice that can be purchased at one time. I’ve listened to several explanations as to how and why this happened. It had something to do with a crop failure in Asia, the falling dollar, Vietnam, ethanol, rising oil prices, and of course, global warming…always global warming. I don’t know what to lose sleep over first. There is the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the housing crisis, the education crisis, the gas price crisis, the climate crisis, the imported drugs crisis, the imported toys crisis, the NAFTA crisis. It’s enough to make me long for the 1970’s. All we had back then was a meat crisis and toilet paper crisis. Those were e...