Mr. Filburn's Chickens and Your Health Care

All of the talk about the recently passed health care reform act has centered on politics. The press has spent untold hours analyzing who are the winners and losers on the political scene as a result of the landmark bill. The story they are missing is the undercurrent that is reaching people who are typically apolitical. Places where political discussion had heretofore been taboo are now brimming with political dialogue. People are asking questions. People are reading about the founding of the country and the founding fathers and the founding documents. Seventeen states have sued the Federal government over a plethora of issues relating to the health care bill, including special treatment afforded to certain states in exchange for a senator’s vote and states being ordered to provide substantially more services without necessary funding to the point of bankruptcy. But the heart of the constitutional question is the individual mandate. Under the bill, all people are required to have heal...