The American Federation of Teachers Got It Right

President Obama is going to propose amendments to the No Child Left Behind Act that is either vilified or glorified, depending on whose ox is being gored. The basis of the proposed changes will be a more generalized statement of goals, with an emphasis shifting from “hard scores” on achievement tests to items like graduation rates and life skills preparation. How that is going to help achievement in Math and Science is beyond me. It looks more like looking for “feely touchy outs” for those who can cut the muster. But that is another story. Here’s the truth. I’m sure there are bad teachers out there just like there is bad everything else. But for the most part, these are good, hard working folk who really want to do a good job. Unfortunately, No Child Left Behind nothwithstanding, the powers that be work against the educators at every turn to the point where many teachers are forced into being nothing more than glorified babysitters…not by choice…but by design of administrators, the cou...