Wired Telephone Service...Too Big To Fail!

I was thumbing through Business Week the other day, and came across an article about the new Verizon wireless home telephone system called the Verizon Hub. It claims that the home phone has been reinvented. Wow! I was SO impressed. This baby is a wireless console that you use in place of your land line because, as you know, people are deserting land telephone lines in droves. Millions upon millions of people are canceling their land lines every year. This Verizon console integrates all of your wireless functions, including your Blackberry, your broadband, and of course, you wireless telephone. In addition, you can watch movie trailers, buy movie theater tickets, monitor traffic, monitor your “little darl’ins”, send photos and videos, and keep you calendar….all from the Verizon Hub. And you don’t need a telephone line. Technological nirvana has been achieved. I don’t know about you, in my purpose driven life, the purpose for using the telephone is to call somebody to talk, and hopefully...