A Cracker's View of Black America, Part 1

The Don Imus controversy has raised the issue of racism up a notch in the national debate. It's clear from watching the media coverage and listening to ordinary conversation, that there is frustration in the white community stemming from political correctness, hypocrisy, and the fear of being called racist if anyone speaks his/her mind. So now I am going to speak mine, and if it makes me racist, so be it. My undergraduate degree is in Political Science. While attending Ohio State University, one of the courses in my curriculum was Urban Studies. I signed up for the course that suited my schedule, and walked into a lecture hall filled with 200 blacks, a black professor, and myself. Our first assignment was to write a paper stating how we would define the issue of racism in the United States. I cited Edward Banfield, a noted conservative political scientist, known for his book The Unheavenly City, Revisited . His thesis states that while racism in its purist form does exist in the US...