Chicken Sandwich Politics

As our cities, and particularly Chicago, are collapsing around us, the thug Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emmanuel is worried about chicken sandwiches. If you want to know what is wrong with American politics, you need to look no further than liberal authoritarianism. These are folks who would use the power of government to turn off talk radio, prohibit opposition candidates from running ads criticizing an incumbent 60 days before an election (McCain-Feingold); and threaten businesses in their jurisdictions who oppose them. This is just a sample of the dictatorship of the left, whose opinions they have decreed should be dogma for all Americans. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel and Boston Mayor Menino indicated that they would actively oppose the expansion of Chik-Fil-Lay in their cities because of this privately held company’s CEO’s open opposition to gay marriage, which by the way reflects the openly stated opinion of the current President up until he decided to motivate the left in the upc...