Deep Fryer Politics

One of my favorite stories stems from my being a member of the Board of Directors of a certain organization that has a kitchen facility attached to it. Money, as is everywhere, is tight. Capital improvements are always an issue, and the club has a rule that any expenditure above a certain dollar amount has to be approved by the Board. At a meeting last year, it was brought to the attention of the Board that the deep fryer in the kitchen was kaput, and the kitchen needed a new one. The cost for a commercial fryer would be in the $2,500.00. A spirited discussion ensued. It was noted that the deep fryer was located in an inconvenient location in the kitchen, and that it probably would do everyone well to move it closer to where the chef said it ought to be. But when they measured the space, the counter was to cramped to move the fryer to the ideal location. It was suggested that the fryer could be accommodated if they could add some additional counter space. Of course, that would involve ...