Perhaps Jeremiah Wright was right. The chickens are coming home to roost, but not in the way he meant. America’s “head in the sand” energy policy is pushing the economy to ruin as our leaders continue to fritter away the time as we slowly go to the poor house. The energy policy under the Democratic Congress and Republican President is simple: buy it from someone else. The Congress and President of the United States, as well as the current presidential candidates of both parties, should hang their heads in shame as they continue to pander to special interest groups, be it the environmental whackos or big oil, and worry about everything and everybody else but you and me. 1) While we are currently paying $4.00/gallon, soon to be $5.00, Congress attempted to pass legislation known as “Cap and Trade”. “Global Warming”, the peg upon which those who want to control the world economy are hanging their hat, was the root of this piece of “energy” legislation which was pushed by Nancy Pelosi and...