Way Too Much for Way Too Long

When was the last time you experienced hard times? I don’t mean life’s daily challenges. We all have days when we wonder how we are going to make ends meet. How are we going to pay for the new furnace? How are we going to pay for our retirement, or our kids college education, or for the car repair? When was the last time you actually had to make a sacrifice? I don’t mean the annual church “every member canvass” where we are told to sacrifice for God, or giving up a new television so we can take a vacation, or writing a check to the local food bank, or buying a less powerful computer. I believe that there isn’t one of you reading this that can really remember true hard times and sacrifice. Because in the United States, we haven’t had any for a long, long time. If you CAN remember times of true hardship and true sacrifice, you are at least 70 years old, and then it's a stretch. Throughout our history, America has faced times of severe hardship that helped build the character of the n...