Life on Steroids

Being the rich, elite snob that I am, I belong to a private club. Six or seven years ago, it decided to do a major “renovation” to its golf course to the tune of...let's just say it was a lot of money. The club was close to being mortgage free, and the golf course, as it then existed, was a classic golf course designed by a major course designer of historical repute. But the members of the club decided they wanted the best golf course and best club in Ohio. Visions of professional golf tournaments danced in their heads. At the club meeting to vote on the project, I opined that perhaps the figures ought to be re-examined and perhaps we ought to save some money first. This isn’t Palm Springs, and many of our members, contrary to popular belief, aren’t wealthy. Sooner or later, I said, we would have to assess the membership, and we would lose members, leaving those who remained holding the bag, so to speak, and paying the mortgage. I was booed. I was told that those who can’t afford t...