School lunches...Mind your own G-- D-- Business

It’s time to say enough is enough. Do we live in Nazi Germany? Do we live in Communist China? Do we live in Soviet Russia? Have we reached the point where we are actually paying a public employee to inspect home packed lunches in our schools? My God, is this what we have come to? People make fun of me because of my political activity. Freedom is precious, and our freedom is being overwhelmed by a tsunami of do-gooder government regulations that have taken over our lives. We are watched everywhere we go. The government wants to know everything about you. It wants to know what you spend, where you go and what you do. They even want to send drones up into our skies to monitor you. Do you really want unmanned airplanes monitoring you? Case in point is the four year old little girl in Fayetteville, North Carolina, who had her home packed lunch inspected by the government food police in school. It consisted of a turkey sandwich with cheese, a banana, potato chips and juice. The food police...