Please visit Mark Knows It All, the Web Site The wife of a friend of mine passed away this past week. I never met my friend’s wife, as she had been ill for most of the time that I have known him. But from the words of her family and friends at the funeral, she must have been a pretty spectacular person. Certainly she was a mother and wife in a beautiful family. My friend is a good and active member of my chorus, and we wanted to honor him and his wife by singing at the funeral. Every now and then a poignant moment happens in life, and two such moments happened at the funeral. Immediately prior to the service, we remembered that it was the birthday of one of our members. In the church hall where we were waiting to enter the sanctuary, someone suggested that we sing Happy Birthday to the individual celebrating another year. It struck me as being a bit sacrilegious at first, but then I thought…why not? In fact, what better place is there to celebrate both the lives of those living and t...