God, Infinity, and Channel 62

Please visit: Mark Knows It All, the Web Site There is an order in life. The sun comes up in the morning and the moon comes out at night. Christmas comes in the winter and Easter in the spring…and so on. These are things on which you can count. It gives one constancy. Several weeks ago, my secure world was disrupted. Armstrong Cable changed my cable line up. What happened to Channel 62? Whenever I travel, I am always glad to get home to my own cable company’s channel lineup. Armstrong Cable has always had a certain symmetry to it channels. This divinely inspired natural order was probably created on the sixth day. After all, God rested on the 7th, and probably wanted to watch some television. So…NBC, CBS, and ABC were on Cable 2, 4 and 7. CNN was on cable 3. HBO was always on cable 5. Cable 6 was always some stupid station like Disney or something else. Channel 8 was ESPN. As Armstrong added stations, it followed a natural progression. USA, Nickelodeon, and TNT were next on the lineup...