America Should Listen to the Roaring Russian Bear

PLEASE VISIT MARK KNOWS IT ALL THE WEBSITE by clicking on the link at the top of the column to the right Just in time to remind any of you that think the world's problems can be solved by holding hands and singing Kumbaya, Russia invades Georgia. This was a well planned action, timed to coincide with the world’s Olympic distraction, and America’s political season. Make no mistake, folks, Putin and crew are bad dudes. When the former President and now Prime Minister of Russia states the greatest catastrophe of the 20th Century was the collapse of the Soviet Union, and he wants to see the Soviet Empire reconstituted, you better listen. While the rest of Europe is politically lurching to the right, finally waking up to the fact that its non-assimilated Moslem population can destroy its culture, and realizing that it gets anywhere from 30 – 70% of its energy from Russia, the United States is in full flower-power mode, flirting with a potential leftist administration who believes the w...