Republicans and Obamacare

It’s time again for the recurring spectacle of raising the debt ceiling. CNN is once more orgasmic as it reports the “fatal split” in the Republican Party over whether to shut the government down. Tea Party types are posturing, and justifiably so, over defunding Obamacare. Never mind that most of it is already funded! Obamacare is the single worst government domestic policy since Prohibition. It is already collapsing around the edges. Within the next year just about every major company will shift a large portion of its full time workforce into the “exchanges.” Most service type jobs will be shifted to part time. Hospitals will be cutting services. The Cleveland Clinic just announced a massive reduction in workers through layoffs or attrition as it prepares for Obamacare, and it will get worse. For seniors, who will see the least financial consequences, Obamacare will be experienced through greatly restricted...