The Summer of my Discontent...Growing Older

The summer of 2012 has been the summer of my discontent. I don’t take to change well, and there has been lots of change. Some was by choice, but most was life just happening. My mother-in-law passed away a few weeks ago after a rather lengthy illness. Those of you who know me also know we didn’t get along that well, but she was very sick and no one wishes that on another human being. I have been to a lot of funerals this summer. Several of my relatives died unexpectedly in addition to several of my friends and clients….not a good summer. Those who are wiser than me told me it is a function of my age. I am 62 going on 63. I hear people my age referred to on television as “seniors” and “older.” I don’t feel I am either of those except when I go for the 20% Tuesday night discount at the Perkins. Hey…a buck’s a buck!!!! But where I have felt my age is in coping with daily life. The world has changed. I have done my best to change with it. I have succeeded in some things, and...