Ice Cream Socials and GM

Okay…so my 23 year old son comes home from Columbus last weekend and sees two pink tickets sitting on the counter for the Seraphim Spring Concert…an ice cream social entitled in The Good Old Summertime . He queried: “What in God’s name are these…and what is an ice cream social?” I explained to my progeny of the computer age that an ice cream social is just that. The Methodists among us know that in the summer, occasionally one goes to church on Sunday evening for some entertainment and ice cream…kind of like a Strawberry Social or a Cake Walk. A what???? I told him it was like The Music Man sociable at the end of the movie. My comments were met with a blank stare as he text messaged his friend on his cell phone. When this program was first proposed, I had some issues with it. It was too old. It was too dated. It didn’t attract young people. Even more frightening, it contained a whole lot of barbershop music, a new genre for our chorus, and difficult to sing if you want to do it right....