Please Visit: Mark Knows It All - The Web Site The temperature is heating up so open the windows and watch a flick. It's time for this year's Summer Movie list. Two of the movies are from 1969 and are noteworthy because they were pioneers in the sexualization of the entertainment industry. Others on the list will help to celebrate the Olympics and the Presidential election. Have fun. 1) COUPE DE VILLE (1990): This little charmer is a 4 star sleeper that is as good as summer movie as you will find. Three brothers who have not seen each other in awhile are asked by their father to drive a vintage Coupe De Ville Caddy from Detroit to Florida to surprise mother on her birthday. Along the way, the brothers rediscover each of their strengths and weaknesses, and make us care about them more than we really want to. The soundtrack is non-stop and appropriately nostalgic. A young Patrick Dempsey stars in pre Dr. Dreamy days, along with my favorite, Joseph Bologna. Find a hot night, ...