Health Care, 11 Year Old Girls, and Sex

From the category of “be careful what you ask for 'cause you might get it", comes the story out of the Portland, Maine, whose school system is now dispensing birth control pills to eleven year olds without parental permission or notification. Maine law prohibits the school system from advising parents that their children are having sex, even if it is a felony not to report it the figure it out. The only option available to the parents is opt out of the school health care system altogether. So if little Mary is injured, the school won't assist her. On its face, this is the single, dumbest, most irresponsible thing I have ever seen to come out of a school system....EVER. But it needs to put it context of several other stories that have been in the news as of late. On the one hand, you have the school dispensing birth control to 6th graders, which facilitates sexual activity. On the other hand, you have the school system in McMinnville, Oregon, which filed...