Homemade Chicken Stock

Okay. So it’s 4 AM. I am awake with my eyeballs on my cheeks and can’t go back to sleep. I turn on the television and what to my wondering eyes does appear but a PBS show showing me how grow things green…nevermind that green is exactly how I am going to look come noon. Notwithstanding, I dutifully poured myself a cup of coffee and watched the show to find out everything they are so willingly ready to tell me I am doing wrong. I get tired of these lecture wag the finger kind of shows. These folks are all alike. They all have that “peace of God” expression on their face because they have insights into life I must be lacking. Everything will be alright if only we are green, environmentally sensitive about every aspect of our lives. Just do this or do that…it only takes a minute…and all the world’s problems will be solved. Today, they showed me how Thomas Jefferson grew his green garden. I didn’t know gardens were any other color. Most things that grow are green. It’s called ...