The New Vindicator

I wouldn’t want to be a newspaper owner in this day and age. With the proliferation of news sources, both national and local, the wonder isn’t that most papers have shrunk to a shadow of their former selves. The wonder is that they are still here at all. One commentator put it this way. People are going to get their news one way or the other. A recent study shows that most people can do without their morning paper and television news. What they worry about losing is their broadband access. That is the pipe through which the information now disseminates…and it goes in all directions. This past week, the Vindicator (aka the Youngstown Vindicator) introduced its new form. It’s more than evident the paper put a lot of effort into dealing with the realities of today’s publication business. It has manipulated its column size substantially reducing the physical width of the paper resembling USA Today. It purchased a bunch of new printing presses to allow it to print crisp, clear full color ph...