Weddings and the Rest of the Show

Over this past weekend I attended two weddings. Both were poignant in their own way, directly touching the question of life markers…especially “getting older” life markers. A long time friend of mine married a great lady on Sunday. It was a second marriage for both but they had maintained a relationship for several years. They finally decided to make it official. These are good folks who, like me, are approaching the short end of middle aged. I am glad that they have someone with whom to share the rest of their lives. Both of these folks are no nonsense salt of the earth types, my kind of people. It was a beautiful wedding. It was a lot of fun. It was an affirmation that love knows no age, and that we still have a few good years left!!!! Hopefully more than a few good years!!!!! The second wedding hit a little closer to home. My first cousin twice removed got married on Friday. For thos...