The economy is steadily getting worse, and we have the keystone cops in Washington running the show. Unfortunately, the longer this goes on, the more difficult it becomes to solve the problems, and Congress isn’t helping. It also doesn’t help that Obama is saying one thing, but his Democratic counterparts on the Hill are ignoring what he is saying. It is one of two things: either he agrees with what they are doing but giving the public rhetoric; or, he has lost control. Notwithstanding, in Mark’s humble opinion, here is what needs to be done to fix the problem: 1) The banking crisis is the immediate problem, but the long term problem is energy. It is at the root of our balance of trade problems and was the tipping point that pushed the economy over the edge last summer. The proposed bailout package should provide funding to accelerate development of alternate power sources for cars, including a super battery that can take a car 100 miles on a charge; accelerate development of natural g...