Britain/Israel/Pollsters and You

David Cameron was just re-elected Prime Minister of Great Britain. That matters to you how? It matters because it was an epic battle between the Tories...Britain’s Conservative Party led by Cameron, and the Labour Party…led by Ed Miliband. It matters because David Axelrod was imported to Britain to assist the Labour Party get elected. It matters because one of the major issues in the election was Britain’s immigration policy. And it matters because the pollsters got it wrong in a major way. Going into the election, polls showed a neck and neck race…dead even with neither party getting the necessary seats in Parliament to form a government. It would require a coalition government. The pundits and American Press were giddy giving the advantage to the progressive Labour Party. Surprise. As I write this, the Conservatives not only won the election handily, it appears that they may achieve sufficient votes in Parliament to form a g...