Neutering NASA

Conservatives generally believe that everyone should benefit from a continually expanding economic pie. If government policy encourages private sector growth, the economy will expand at an acceptable rate A rising tide raises all ships. Liberals, and especially the current administration, believes that everyone should receive a small piece of a stagnant economic pie. The end result: those pieces will continually get smaller because the pie won’t remain stagnant, it will start to shrink. Nowhere is that more evident than in Obama's proposed NASA budget cuts; scrapping the renewed effort to put a man on the moon and beyond. The shuttle program is scheduled to end in 5 months, and America will be totally neutered when it comes to space exploration, reliant on the Russians and the Chinese for flights into space to honor our space station commitments. That is pitiful and shameful. To someone like Obama, a liberal academic community organizer, this kind of cut makes perfect sense. Why wo...