
I have always found it interesting how the government calculates inflation. They simply remove the items that are going up in price from the formula. It is more than a political ploy. Government entitlement increases are based on the rate of inflation giving Uncle Sam a vested interest in officially declaring there is no inflation. So much for my Social Security increase!!! It also doesn’t take into account the inflation you can’t see….shrinkage. Have you Golden Oreo lovers noticed there is something askew about those nifty new sticky top packages? The number of Oreos per pack has shrunk. Shrinkage!! How about the full size Reese’s Cups in those big orange packages. Today’s full size Reese’s Cup is now the size of a Junior Mint. If they shrink anymore, you will be buying the wrapper. Shrinkage. The same goes with a Hershey Bar. The jumbo size now is equal to the regular size years ago. ...