The Third Iraq War

One only has to look at a map to understand American interests in the Mideast. The United States had Iran surrounded with military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan thereby assuring that in those three countries terrorist mischief would be kept to tolerable levels. Then, Barack Obama gave it away. Mired in the muck of political ideology, he unilaterally withdrew our forces from Iraq, and is in the process of doing the same thing in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Iran pretends to be cooperating with the United States as it continues to run its centrifuges stockpiling weapons grade uranium. The result is the beginning of the third Iraq war. Terrorism from Syria has spread into central Iraq as bad guys even the Taliban find to be despicable establish an Islamist terrorist caliphate in the center of the Mideast threatening Israel, moderate Arab states like Jordan, and the United States itself. These alleged human beings have brutalized any who oppose...