Money and Manure

Whether we like or not, money makes the world go around. There are a number of ways to say it. He who pays the piper picks the tune. Then there is the “Golden Rule”: He with the gold, rules. How about: “Money isn’t everything. It’s just most everything.” Then there is Sophie Tucker’s “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Rich is better!” And let’s not forget John Rockefeller’s answer to the question “How much money is enough?” He replied “A little bit more!” Those among us who spew platitudes argue that money isn’t everything, that money can’t buy happiness. Actually a recent study at the University of Kansas determined that it does buy least to a degree. A generic family income of $75,000.00/year seems to be the magic number. People are happier above that number than below that number. BUT, there is also a leveling off. The happiness quotient seems to top at $75,000.00/year which leads me to believe what they actually were measuring was contentment ra...