New and Improved: Big Bosomed Women Who Party

Of all the words in the English language that I have learned to fear and despise, the phrase that sends chills up and down my spine the most is "new and improved." The new part is probably right, at least partially, but the improved is open to question. It usually translates to confusion, work, and money. This is especially true of the computer geeks at Google, You Tube and Facebook, along with all of my stock programs. Those are particularly aggravating because I actually pay a monthly fee for some of these digital age gems. What is wrong with these people? Do they take delight in terrorizing hundreds of millions of people by making them figure out how to get a program or site to do what it used to before they made it better? Case in point is Google, the most used search engine in the world. Google does everything for you now but go to the bathroom, and it can probably give a print out for that too. I think it can actua...