A Pox on Both Your Houses

Please Visit Mark Knows It All, the Web Site In all of the years that I have been following politics, I have never seen such a disconnect between the United States Congress and the country’s population. As gas continues to go up, and up, and up….Congress and the two assumed political parties’ nominees for President are fiddling in the parlor. If there ever was a time to put aside the dogma and the idealogy, this is it. As I watch the debate over energy in this country, I fully realize that the increase in gas prices is a precursor to the increase in utility costs coming this winter, especially here in Ohio, as we are forced to make decisions relating to our natural gas and electric suppliers. There is nothing good here. But instead of doing something about it, the political and ideological drums beat onward and onward, ever louder, and accomplishing nothing. Shame on Congress! Shame on Barack Obama! Shame on John McCain. From the Democrats, we get the same old, tired, environmental har...