A Pox on Both Your Houses
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In all of the years that I have been following politics, I have never seen such a disconnect between the United States Congress and the country’s population. As gas continues to go up, and up, and up….Congress and the two assumed political parties’ nominees for President are fiddling in the parlor. If there ever was a time to put aside the dogma and the idealogy, this is it.
As I watch the debate over energy in this country, I fully realize that the increase in gas prices is a precursor to the increase in utility costs coming this winter, especially here in Ohio, as we are forced to make decisions relating to our natural gas and electric suppliers. There is nothing good here. But instead of doing something about it, the political and ideological drums beat onward and onward, ever louder, and accomplishing nothing. Shame on Congress! Shame on Barack Obama! Shame on John McCain.
From the Democrats, we get the same old, tired, environmental harrang. Conserve, conserve, conserve. Tax the oil companies. Ban drilling. Raise café standards. Turn down your thermostats. Bull. If you want to freeze in the winter, feel free. Leave me alone.
From the Republicans, drill in Anwar. Drill offshore. Give tax incentive to the oil companies. The speculators are just practicing free enterprise. Bull. George Bush failed to lead the country to alternative energy sources when he had the chance after 9/11.
We should be doing all of the above. While the jack asses in Congress and our political leaders are pontificating, we are paying the price.
Yes, we should be drilling offshore. Norway, Great Britain, and Denmark drill off their coasts, and they have survived. China is already drilling off of our coast. Where are the oil spills? Not drilling is simply caving to the global warming crowd. Just because the scientists say it’s so, doesn’t mean it’s so. Remember, for hundreds years scientists thought the earth was flat.
Yes, we should be looking at coal liquefaction and more nuclear power. Europe is doing it. We are not.
Yes, we should be looking at wind power and solar power, and Senator Kennedy…if it blocks your view off Cape Cod, so be it. For once in your life before you die, practice what you preach. Hypocrisy does not become you.
Yes, we should be requiring automobile companies to increase café standards. No, folks, you don’t need that huge SUV. It doesn’t make you any more a man or woman than the ones who are driving a Prius. Believe me, there is no correlation between the size of your vehicle and the size of your…well…you know. Zip it up and get a smaller car.
Yes, we should be monitoring speculators. Oil has become an alternative currency in place of the weak dollar. Hey folks, you buy the oil, you take delivery. Just tell the truck where to put the barrels.
Yes, we should be spending massive amounts of money for development of a fuel cell battery. McCain is behind the curve on this one. An article in Atlantic Monthly this month spells out the ground breaking efforts on the part of General Motors, which is risking hundreds of millions of dollars on the Chevy Volt. In a very open manner, they are designing the car and the yet to be perfected battery in full public view, with the admirable goal of allowing the owner to drive for 40 miles solely on battery power. Good luck to GM.
As I watch the debate over energy in this country, I fully realize that the increase in gas prices is a precursor to the increase in utility costs coming this winter, especially here in Ohio, as we are forced to make decisions relating to our natural gas and electric suppliers. There is nothing good here. But instead of doing something about it, the political and ideological drums beat onward and onward, ever louder, and accomplishing nothing. Shame on Congress! Shame on Barack Obama! Shame on John McCain.
From the Democrats, we get the same old, tired, environmental harrang. Conserve, conserve, conserve. Tax the oil companies. Ban drilling. Raise café standards. Turn down your thermostats. Bull. If you want to freeze in the winter, feel free. Leave me alone.
From the Republicans, drill in Anwar. Drill offshore. Give tax incentive to the oil companies. The speculators are just practicing free enterprise. Bull. George Bush failed to lead the country to alternative energy sources when he had the chance after 9/11.
We should be doing all of the above. While the jack asses in Congress and our political leaders are pontificating, we are paying the price.
Yes, we should be drilling offshore. Norway, Great Britain, and Denmark drill off their coasts, and they have survived. China is already drilling off of our coast. Where are the oil spills? Not drilling is simply caving to the global warming crowd. Just because the scientists say it’s so, doesn’t mean it’s so. Remember, for hundreds years scientists thought the earth was flat.
Yes, we should be looking at coal liquefaction and more nuclear power. Europe is doing it. We are not.
Yes, we should be looking at wind power and solar power, and Senator Kennedy…if it blocks your view off Cape Cod, so be it. For once in your life before you die, practice what you preach. Hypocrisy does not become you.
Yes, we should be requiring automobile companies to increase café standards. No, folks, you don’t need that huge SUV. It doesn’t make you any more a man or woman than the ones who are driving a Prius. Believe me, there is no correlation between the size of your vehicle and the size of your…well…you know. Zip it up and get a smaller car.
Yes, we should be monitoring speculators. Oil has become an alternative currency in place of the weak dollar. Hey folks, you buy the oil, you take delivery. Just tell the truck where to put the barrels.
Yes, we should be spending massive amounts of money for development of a fuel cell battery. McCain is behind the curve on this one. An article in Atlantic Monthly this month spells out the ground breaking efforts on the part of General Motors, which is risking hundreds of millions of dollars on the Chevy Volt. In a very open manner, they are designing the car and the yet to be perfected battery in full public view, with the admirable goal of allowing the owner to drive for 40 miles solely on battery power. Good luck to GM.
There are many partisan issues to be debated in this campaign. Energy should NOT be one of them. Both of these guys running for President want to “reach across the aisle”?? Here is the place to start. We as voters should demand nothing less.