Retro Shopping: Back In The 50's Again

I was channel surfing the day after Christmas looking for bargains on the shopping networks, and ShopNBC obliged me with its fur coat clearance sale. For those of you not in the know, or who are smart enough to not to care…ShopNBC is the Saks 5th Avenue of the cable shopping networks. It hocks $5,000.00 diamond rings like so many pebbles. And people actually buy this expensive jewelry on line. In fairness to ShopNBC, it has nice stuff…but nothing I can afford. God bless those who can, and have the credit line to do it!!! At any rate, they were featuring Cedrick’s Luxe Collection of various fur garments. Cedrick was there, along with the on air sales person. Cedrick is the quintessential fur coat designer with his over the top suit and silver hair and saccharine tongue. He, along with the Quacker Factory lady on QVC, makes for some of the best television around today. You don’t have to buy anything, just watch these nut cakes sell their stuff, and laugh with them, but more often at the...