He's Gonna Pay My Mortgage! He's Gonna Fix My Car!

I don’t know where to begin to comment watching events unfold between General Motors and Barack Obama. Where does the Federal government get the authority to fire a CEO of a major corporation? I know. I know. “Thems that pays the piper picks the tunes.” And I know that General Motors approached the Feds for money. And I know that for all intents and purposes, but for the Feds, GM would be bankrupt. Nonetheless, there is something unseemly and inherently un-American about what is happening. Let’s start with GM itself. It has had long standing quality problems and union contracts which would sink a battleship. Its cars were…let’s just say…bad. They rusted within two years. They rattled. They were in constant need of repair. And GM, as well as Ford and Chrysler, were blown away by the engineering and galvanized steel of the Japanese imports. GM is currently carrying legacy costs which, in effect, change the nature of what it is. GM no longer makes cars to make money. It makes cars to pay ...