The Greatest Invention of All Time

There are lots of different channels to watch on television these days, and lots of junk that isn’t worth watching. So my channel surfing oftentimes stops at either the Discovery Channel or the A&E Network, or the National Geographic Channel. There’s even a Green Channel now…all environmental propaganda all day. Actually, they have had some pretty interesting stories on the Green Channel, including a wood burning steam engine truck, and a medieval weapons of mass destruction contest. Those guys really knew how to do murder and mayhem. While watching a show on giant machinery the other night, I began to ponder the meaning of life. And between my package of Oreos and a dish of cashews, I began to wonder what I would consider the greatest invention of all time. Oh, there are lots of choices. The archaeological types would probably point to fire, learning to use a rock as a weapon, or the wheel. The metallurgical types would probably point to iron. The scientific types might look to th...