America and Pooping Dogs

I watched an Animal Planet television program last night entitled It’s Me or the Dog . The program features a lady dog trainer who visits people’s homes to assist in training unruly poochies. Some of the stuff is fairly awful. Last night’s show crossed the line. Four twenty-something girls rented a home together. These were white, middle class chicks who I rapidly concluded personified everything that is wrong with America today. Three of the girls had dogs, and two of the girls had more than one dog. Although the dogs were tiny dogs, all animals must perform certain bodily functions in order to survive, including doing their duty. To put it bluntly, these babes could care less, and allowed the dog to defecate throughout the house. Months of feces was everywhere, including inches on the pack enclosed porch. It was under the beds. It was in every room in the house. The dogs were male dogs, and staked out their territory continually all over the furniture. There were feces on the wall. ...