
Every 20 years or so America falls in love with liberalism. It’s a feel good kind of ideology where Americans fraught with a combination of narcissism and guilt can wrap themselves in do-gooder's clothes while looking caring to those around them. The old term was limousine liberals. Ted Kennedy, the late liberal lion of the Senate, was a prime example. While he was busy foisting busing on the rest of America, he was safely hidden behind the walls of his family’s compound in Hyannis Port sending his children to private schools. Barack Obama was supposed to be the pinnacle of liberalism….except now it is called Progressivism. He was to be the Great Black Hope who could fix all the problems. Buttressed by a fawning press which still refuses to examine his obvious and egregious flaws, he turned out to be nothing more than a throwback leftist 60’s radical who utilized Chicago style thug politics to punish his enemies and crony capitalism to rewa...